Actualités Maroc

Morocco Wins Gold in World Robot Olympiads

Actualités Maroc
Rabat – Morocco’s team “NexTech” have struck gold at the World Robot Olympiad, demonstrating their innovative prowess.

The competition was held in Izmir, Turkiye, and ran from November 28 to 30.

The team, with members from both Casablanca and Rabat, claimed fourth place worldwide in the “Future Innovators Senior” category, competing against over 400 teams from 90 countries.

The competition brought together youth aged eight to 19 from all over the world.

“This is a huge win for Morocco and a reward for years of hard work”, said LOOP, Morocco's national partner for the competition, in a statement, commenting on the exciting news.

The team qualified after excelling in national trials, which featured 65 teams from across Morocco.

“This win doesn't just bring pride to Morocco. It calls our youth to dream big in innovation, science, and technology,” the statement added.

NexTech presented a project called “Terra Genius”, a robot designed to support sustainable farming which can plant seeds, manage irrigation, and monitor crops.

The project aligns with the competition's theme, “Connecting with the Planet”, and shows the team's dedication to tackling environment and farming problems using cutting-edge technology.

Teams don’t just build robots in the "Future Innovators Senior" category, they design solutions to tackle real-world challenges with creative ideas, coding skills, and a passion for making the world better. It’s a test of teamwork, problem-solving, and vision all rolled into one to solve global challenges from sustainability to healthcare.

Teams need to present their work, defend their ideas, and prove that their robot has the power to make a real difference to a panel of judges.

With this big win, Morocco proves that its youth can shine on the world stage and inspire the next generation to build a brighter, tech-driven future.
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